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Supplementary genome data

L. sakei strain 23K GENOME files can be downloaded here :


Genome EMBL file

Genome GenBank file

Genome CDSs Fasta file

Proteome (translated CDSs) Fasta file

Genome intergenic regions Fasta file (CDSs masked with Xs)

Design of Oligoset for L. sakei DNA-macroarrays :


The OligoSet comprises about 1860 oligos specific of protein/peptides encoding genes from the chromosome of strain 23K. In addition, 40 oligos were designed from genetic clusters originating from other Lactobacillus sakei strains and absent from strain 23K.

The following downloadables files give a brief description of the (1)design criteria, (2) a brief description by FLEC laboratory of the Oligoset, (3) the description of the genes in the OligoSet, (4) the description of the oligoset & controls by Operon, (5) the description of the oligos.


(1) CustomerArrayReadyOligoSet-Operon.pdf

(2) SummaryOligosetLSA_ByStephane.pdf

(3) DescriptionOfGenesInOligoset.pdf

(4) LSA-Oligoset-V1.0.1Datasheet.pdf

(5) DescriptionOfOligos.pdf